This site, provided for the University of Michigan, is no longer maintained - last update was at the end of July 2020 - and should be considered archived. Statistics from Michigan are now available in a new COUNTER Release 5 IRUS service. Other US institutions are welcome to join this new IRUS service.


Searches for words or phrases in the title or author can be performed for all repositories or for an individual repository and for all item types or a specified item type. The results display includes item type, title, author, URL and number of downloads.

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collaborative environmentsOr'collaborative' or 'environments'
+collaborative +environmentsAnd'collaborative' and 'environments'
"collaborative environments"Phrasethe phrase 'collaborative environments'
+collaborative -environmentsAnd Not'collaborative' but not 'environments'
coll*Wildcard'collection', 'collision', 'collaborative', 'colloidal', etc.
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