IRUS-ANZ has moved. From January 2022, new monthly statistics will only be added to the IRUS R5 service. This site is archived. All statistics up to December 2021 will remain available on this site.

Author statistics

Author Identifier Number of Items Total Downloads
Abdal-hay, A 3 248


Title Author(s) IrusType Repository Item URL Total Downloads
Fabrication of multifunctional cellulose/TiO2/Ag composite nanofibers scaffold with antibacterial and bioactivity properties for future tissue engineering applications Ashraf, Roqia; Sofi, Hasham S.; Akram, Towseef; Rather, Hilal Ahmad; Abdal-hay, Abdalla; Shabir, Nadeem; Vasita, Rajesh; Alrokayan, Salman H.; Khan, Haseeb A.; Sheikh, Faheem A. Article University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 73
Magnesium-particle/polyurethane composite layer coating on titanium surfaces for orthopedic applications Abdal-hay, Abdalla; Agour, Mahmoud; Kim, Yu-Kyoung; Lee, Min-Ho; Hassan, Mohamed K.; El-Ainin, H. Abu; Hamdy, Abdel Salam; Ivanovski, Sašo Article University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 37
Novel polycaprolactone/hydroxyapatite nanocomposite fibrous scaffolds by direct melt-electrospinning writing Abdal-hay, Abdalla; Abbasi, Naghmeh; Gwiazda, Marcin; Hamlet, Stephen; Ivanovski, Saso Article University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 138
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