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Author statistics

Author Identifier Number of Items Total Downloads
Barikin, A 30 816


Title Author(s) IrusType Repository Item URL Total Downloads
A forest of lines: an interview with Pierre Huyghe Douglas, Amelia Article University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 1
Ambient perspective and endless art Papastergiadis, Nikos; Barikin, Amelia Article University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 4
Ambient perspective and the citizen's moving eyes Barikin, Amelia; Papastergiadis, Nikos Book Section University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 6
American entropy: Doug Aitken's blow debris Douglas, Amelia Article University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 171
Arche-fossils and future fossils: the speculative paleontology of Julian Charrière Barikin, Amelia Book Section University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 5
Australia vs Korea: dance battle 2012 Barikin, Amelia; Cmielewski, Cecilia; Gibson, Ross; Yi, Soojung Performance University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 1
Chronophobia, presence and presentness in the work of Liam O'Brien Barikin, Amelia Book Section University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 7
HELLO PROJECT Douglas, Amelia; Gibson, Ross; Cmielewski, Cecelia; Yi, Soojung Performance University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 74
Large screens and the transnational public sphere Papastergiadis, Nikos; McQuire, Scott; Barikin, Amelia; Cmielewski, Cecelia; Yue, Audrey; Gibson, Ross; Cmielewski, Leon; Jones, Matt; Gu, Xin Conference Papers/Posters University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 5
Making worlds in art and science fiction Barikin, Amelia Book Section University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 1
Making worlds in art and science fiction Barikin, Amelia Conference Papers/Posters University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 1
Mega screens for mega cities Papastergiadis, Nikos; McQuire, Scott; Gu, Xin; Barikin, Amelia; Gibson, Ross; Yue, Audrey; Jung, Sun; Cmielewski, Cecelia; Soh Yeong Roh; Jones, Matt Article University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 3
no more stars (star wars): ra di martino Barikin, Amelia Article University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 3
Parallel collisions: 2012 Adelaide Biennial of Australian Art curators Alexie Glass-Kantor and Natasha Bullock Barikin, Amelia Article University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 64
Parallel presents : the art of Pierre Huyghe Barikin, Amelia Book University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 209
Pierre Huyghe: TarraWarra International 2015 Barikin, Amelia; Lynn, Victoria Performance University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 57
Pierre Huyghe: TarraWarra International 2015 Barikin, Amelia; Lynn, Victoria Book University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 4
Public screens and participatory public space Barikin, Amelia; Papastergiadis, Nikos; McQuire, Scott; Yue, Audrey Book Section University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 1
Quantum entanglements and the construction of time: do we need a science-fictional history of art? Barikin, Amelia Book Section University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 4
Review of TarraWarra Biennial 2012: Sonic Spheres Barikin, Amelia Article University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 2
Robert Smithson: Time Crystals Barikin, Amelia; McAuliffe, Chris Performance University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 102
Round Table On the Critical Archive Holert, Tom; Baumann, Stefanie; Blom, Ina; Basilio, Miriam; Puric, Biljana; Hsu, Claire; Boudry, Pauline; Lorenz, Renate; Barikin, Amelia; Gomez-Moya, Cristian Article University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 62
Screen cultures and public spaces Barikin, Amelia; Papastergiadis, Nikos; McQuire, Scott; Yue, Audrey Article University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 6
Souvenirs du futur: du temps de l'art Barikin, Amelia Book Section University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 4
Super mechanical super organical: Emily Floyd's science fiction Barikin, Amelia Book Section University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 6
Time outside of time: Stuart Ringholt's Club Purple and Untitled (Clock) Barikin, Amelia Book Section University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 3
Time shrines: mourning and melancholia in the work of Ash Keating Barikin, Amelia Article University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 2
Translating gesture in a transnational public sphere Barikin, Amelia; Papastergiadis, Nikos; Yue, Audrey; McQuire, Scott; Gibson, Ross; Gu, Xin Article University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 1
We have begun to communicate with the animals, and the stars: speaking the future in Neil Beloufa's Kempinski Barikin, Amelia Article University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 2
Zombie history: contemporary art in the jungles of cosmic time Barikin, Amelia Book Section University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 5
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