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Author statistics

Author Identifier Number of Items Total Downloads
Pritchard, D 63 12702


Title Author(s) IrusType Repository Item URL Total Downloads
"Athletics in satyric drama", Greece and Rome 59.2 Pritchard, David Preprint University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 32
"Democracy and War in Ancient Athens and Today", GREECE AND ROME 62.2 Pritchard, David M. Preprint University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 107
"Public Honours for Panhellenic Sporting Victors in Democratic Athens" Pritchard, David M. Preprint University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 123
"Sport and Democracy in Classical Athens" (in press), Antichthon 50. David M. Pritchard Preprint University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 225
‘Deporte y guerra en la democracia ateniense’, Antigüedad: Religiones y Sociedades 15, David M Pritchard 2017 (in press) Pritchard, David M. Preprint University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 67
‘The Social Structure of Democratic Athens’, David M. Pritchard 2020 (in press), in Maria Aparecida de Oliveira Silva and Camila Diogo de Souza (eds.), Morte e Vida na Grécia Antiga: Olhares interdisciplinares, Teresina (Editora da UFPI). Pritchard, David M. Preprint University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 441
''The Fractured Imaginary': Popular Thinking on Military Matters in Fifth-Century Athens' David M. Pritchard Article University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 185
'Athletic participation, training and adolescent education' Pritchard, David M. Preprint University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 33
'Honouring the War Dead in Democratic Athens', David M. Pritchard 2022 (in press), in E. M. Economou, N. C. Kyriazis and A. Platias (eds.), Democracy and Salamis: 2500 Years after the Battle That Saved Greece and the Western World, Heidelberg (Springer Ve Pritchard, David Preprint University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 2
'Public Finance and War in Ancient Greece', GREECE AND ROME 62.1 Pritchard, David M. Preprint University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 246
'The Archers of Classical Athens', Greece and Rome 65, David M. Pritchard 2018 (in press) Pritchard, David M. Preprint University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 124
'The Armed Forces', David M. Pritchard 2020 (in press), in J. Neils and D. Rogers (eds.), The Cambridge Companion to Ancient Athens, Cambridge (Cambridge University Press) Pritchard, David M. Preprint University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 62
'The Funeral Oration Project: Pericles and Beyond', Video Recording, Public Lecture, Queensland History Teachers's Association (Australia) Pritchard, David M. Moving Image University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 13
'The Horsemen of Classical Athens: Some Considerations on Their Recruitment and Social Background', Athenaeum 106, David M. Pritchard 2018 (in press) Pritchard, David M. Preprint University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 206
'The Standing of Sailors in Democratic Athens', David M. Pritchard (2018), Audio Recording with PowerPoint Slides, Seminar Series, Discipline of Classics and Ancient History, The University of Queensland (Australia). Pritchard, David M. Audio University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 177
Anne-Sophie Noel (2021), 'What Can We Do with Objects in Greek Theatre? From Performance Studies to Thing Studies, and Back to Performance Studies', Video and Audio Recordings, Seminar Series, Discipline of Classics and Ancient History, The University of Anne-Sophie Noel; David Pritchard Moving Image University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 3
Aristophanes and de Ste. Croix: the value of old comedy as evidence for Athenian popular culture Pritchard, David Article University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 1
Aristophanes and De Ste. Croix: The value of old comedy as evidence for Athenian popular culture Pritchard, David Preprint University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 253
Athens Pritchard, David M. Preprint University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 106
Athletics in satyric drama Pritchard, David M. Article University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 183
Costing Festivals and War: Spending Priorities of the Classical Athenian Democracy Pritchard, David Preprint University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 193
Costing the armed forces of Athens during the Peloponnesian War Pritchard, David Article University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 1
David M. Pritchard (2019), '"From Where the Fine Warships Come": Democratic Athens at War, Audio Recording, Futures of International Order Seminar Series, School of Political Science and International Studies, The University of Queensland (Australia). Pritchard, David M. Audio University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 93
David M. Pritchard (Brisbane 2017), 'The Archers of Classical Athens', Revised Version for Publication, Audio Recording with PowerPoint Slides, Seminar Series, Discipline of Classics and Ancient History, The University of Queensland (Australia). Pritchard, David M. Audio University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 51
David M. Pritchard (Lyon 2020), ‘L’oraison funèbre après Loraux’ and Bernd Steinbock, ‘The Epitaphios Logos of Pericles: Thucydides’s Ambivalence towards the Funeral Oration’, with Closing Remarks by Marie Dur Pritchard, David M.; Steinbock, Bernd Moving Image University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 54
David M. Pritchard (Sydney 2021), 'Receiving Kudos: What Was the Point of Olympic Victory?', Video Recording, Public Lecture (20 July 2021), The Chau Chak Wing Museum (The University of Sydney) Pritchard, David M. Moving Image University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 6
David M. Pritchard on Ancient Greek Direct Democracy and Today: Interviewed by Kelly Higgins-Devine on 612 ABC Brisbane Radio Pritchard, David M. Performance University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 9
Democratic warmaking in Ancient Athens Pritchard, David M. Article University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 23
Dominique Lenfant (Strasbourg 2018), 'The Funeral Oration as Self-Portrait of Athenian Democracy (in French)', Second Keynote Address with Remarks by Violaine Sebillotte Cuchet on the Centre Louis Gernet (in French), Audio Recording Only, The Athenian Fun Dominique Lenfant; Violaine Sebillotte Cuchet; David Pritchard Audio University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 69
From Hoplite Republic to Thetic Democracy: The Social Context of the Reforms of Ephialtes Pritchard, David M. Article University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 63
Guerra y finanzas públicas en la antigua Grecia Pritchard, David M. Article University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 18
How do democracy and war affect each other? The case study of ancient Athens Pritchard, David M. Article University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 2198
Kleisthenes and Athenian Democracy: Vision from Above or Below? Pritchard, David M. Preprint University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 165
Kleisthenes, Participation, and the Dithyrambic Contests of Late Archaic and Classical Athens Pritchard, David M. Preprint University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 243
Kleisthenes, participation, and the dithyrambic contests of late archaic and classical Athens Pritchard, David Article University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 1
Peter Hunt (Strasbourg 2018), 'Imagining Athens in the Assembly and on the Battlefield', First Keynote Address with Opening Remarks by David M. Pritchard (in French and in English), Audio Recording Only, The Athenian Funeral Oration: 40 Years after Nicole Peter Hunt; David Pritchard Audio University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 127
Public finance and war in Ancient Greece Pritchard, David M. Article University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 4
Public Spending and Democracy in Classical Athens Pritchard, David M. Book University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 2
Public spending in democratic Athens Pritchard, David M. Article University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 47
Research Seminars and Public Lectures in Classics and Ancient History at the University of Queensland (Australia) in First Semester 2021: Convened by Associate Professor David M. Pritchard david pritchard Text University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 324
Research Seminars in Classics and Ancient History at the University of Queensland (Australia) in Second Semester 2020: Convened by David M. Pritchard Pritchard, David Text University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 355
Research Seminars in Classics and Ancient History at the University of Queensland (Australia) in Second Semester 2021: Convened by David M. Pritchard Pritchard, David M. Text University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 90
Sport, Democracy and War in Classical Athens Pritchard, David M. Book University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 3
Sport, war and democracy in classical Athens Pritchard, David Book Section University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 1
Sport, War and Democracy in Classical Athens Pritchard, David M. Preprint University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 833
Sport, war and democracy in classical Athens Pritchard, David Article University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 3
The Ancient Olympic Games: David M. Pritchard Interviewed by Kelly Higgins-Devine on ABC Local Radio Queensland (Australia) Pritchard, David M. Performance University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 6
The Democratic Support of Athletics in Classical Athens Pritchard, David M. Preprint University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 158
The Fractured Imaginary: Popular Thinking on Citizen Soldiers and Warfare in Fifth Century Athens Pritchard, David M. Thesis or Dissertation University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 159
The Inaugural Queensland Greek History Conference: The Cultural History of the Greeks: Conference Booklet with Program, Abstracts and Biographical Notes Pritchard, David Text University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 99
The physical parameters of Athenian democracy Pritchard, David Article University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 123
The position of Attic women in democratic Athens Pritchard, David Article University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 3
The position of Attic women in democratic Athens Pritchard, David M. Article University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 5
The position of Attic women in democratic Athens Pritchard, David M. Preprint University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 2703
The Public Payment of Magistrates in Fourth-Century Athens Pritchard, David M. Article University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 181
The standing of sailors in democratic Athens Pritchard, David M. Article University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 108
The symbiosis between democracy and war: The case of ancient Athens Pritchard, David Book Section University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 1094
Thetes, Hoplites, and the Athenian Imaginary Pritchard, David M. Book Section University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 14
War minus the shooting: sport and democracy in classical Athens Pritchard, David M. Performance University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 127
War, democracy and culture in Classical Athens Pritchard, David Conference Papers/Posters University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 1
War, democracy and popular culture in fifth-century Athens Pritchard, David M. Performance University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 271
Why Ancient History Still Matters (2017): David M. Pritchard Interviewed by David Curnow on ABC Radio Queensland (Australia) Pritchard, David M. Audio University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 11
Working Papers, Open Access, and Cyber-Infrastructure in Classical Studies Pritchard, David M. Preprint University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 74
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