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Author statistics

Author Identifier Number of Items Total Downloads
Remo 24 1121


Title Author(s) IrusType Repository Item URL Total Downloads
A case study of high frequency AD2CP measurements for tidal site characterization in Banks Straits, Tasmania, Australia Perez, Larissa; Cossu, Remo; Penesis, Irene; Grinham, Alistair; Grinham, Alistair; Couzi, Camille Conference Papers/Posters University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 7
A cost-efficient seabed survey for bottom-mounted OWC on King Island, Tasmania, Australia Cossu, Remo; Heatherington, Craig; Grinham, Alistair; Penesis, Irene; Hunter, Scott Conference Papers/Posters University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 97
A seabed survey off King Island for a Wave Energy Company to support a potential wave energy project Cossu, Remo; Grinham, Alistair; Heatherington, Craig Report University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 166
Assessment of tidal current resources in Banks Strait, Australia Marsh, Philip; Penesis, Irene; Nader, Jean-Roch; Couzi, Camille; Cossu, Remo Conference Papers/Posters University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 1
Autonomous underwater vehicle motion response: a nonacoustic tool for blue water navigation Randeni, P.; Supun, A. T.; Forrest, Alexander L.; Cossu, Remo; Leong, Zhi Quan; King, Peter D; Ranmuthugala, Dev Article University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 6
Coriolis forces influence the secondary circulation of gravity currents flowing in large-scale sinuous submarine channel systems Cossu, Remo; Wells, Mathew G. Article University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 83
Development of the Tamar River tidal test facility Ferguson, Tom Mitchell; Penesis, Irene; Frost, Rowan; Sartipi, Keyvan; Kemp, Nathan; Nader, Jean-Roch; Cossu, Remo Conference Papers/Posters University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 277
Influence of the Coriolis force on the velocity structure of gravity currents in straight submarine channel systems Cossu, R.; Wells, M. G.; Wahlin, A. K. Article University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 60
Influence of tidal energy converters on sediment dynamics in tidal channel Auguste, Christelle; Nader, Jean-Roch; Marsh, Philip; Cossu, Remo Conference Papers/Posters University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 5
King Island: Wave measurements raw data Lancaster, Orrin; Cossu, Remo Dataset University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 4
Observations and characteristics of the Ice-Ocean Boundary Layer in McMurdo Sound, Antarctica Beecroft, Ryan; Cossu, Remo; Forrest, Alexander; Hawes, Ian; Lemckert, Charles Conference Papers/Posters University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 1
Observations of hydrodynamics and scour potential during berthing and de-berthing of large ships at the Port of Brisbane, Australia Cossu, R.; Grinham, A.; Beecroft, R.; Deering, N.; Heatherington, C.; Burley, D.; Stimson, G. Conference Papers/Posters University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 2
Real-time monitoring of turbidity levels and water velocities during dredge spoil placement within Moreton Bay, Queensland, Australia Beecroft, R.; Cossu, R.; Grinham, A.; Heatherington, C.; Linde, M.; Maxwell, P. Conference Papers/Posters University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 1
Relating fish distributions to physical characteristics of a tidal energy candidate site in the Banks Strait, Australia Scherelis, Constantin; Penesis, Irene; Marsh, Philip; Cossu, Remo; Hemer, Mark; Wright, Jeffrey Conference Papers/Posters University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 3
Relating fish distributions to physical characteristics of a tidal energy candidate site in the Banks Strait, Australia Scherelis, Constantin; Penesis, Irene; Marsh, Philip; Cossu, Remo; Hemer, Mark; Wright, Jeffrey Article University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 1
Scour prediction around an Oscillating Water Column Wave Energy Converter Orrin Lancaster; Remo Cossu; Scott Hunter; Tom E. Baldock Conference Papers/Posters University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 1
Scour propagation beneath a subsea pipeline in high and low energy environments McInerney, J.; Forrest, A.; Cossu, R.; Lee, J. Y.; Hardjanto, F. Conference Papers/Posters University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 33
Spatiotemporal investigation of event-driven sedimentation in a tidally influenced shipyard by air and waterborne observations Loje, Oliver; Tied, Jan; Visscher, Jan; Cossu, Remo; Schlurman, Torsten Article University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 2
Tidal energy in Australia – Assessing resource and feasibility to Australia’s future energy mix Penesis, Irene; Hemer, Mark; Cossu, Remo; Hayward, Jenny; Nader, Jean-Roch; Rosebrock, Uwe; Grinham, Alistair; Sayeef, Saad; Osman, Peter; Marsh, Philip; Couzi, Camille Conference Papers/Posters University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 99
Tidal energy in Australia assessing resource and feasibility in Australia’s future energy mix Penesis, I.; Hemer, M.; Cossu, R.; Nader, J.R.; Marsh, P.; Couzi, C.; Hayward, J.; Sayeef, S.; Osman, P.; Rosebrock, U.; Grinham. A.; Herzfeld, M.; Griffin, D. Report University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 2
Tidal Energy: A Promising Future Resource for Tasmania Green, Sam; Cossu, Remo; Penesis, Irene; Nader, Jean-Roch Conference Papers/Posters University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 3
Towards a tidal farm in Banks Strait, Tasmania: Influence of tidal array on hydrodynamics August, Christelle; Marsh, Philip; Nader, Jean-Roch; Cossu, Remo; Penesis, Irene Article University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 7
Two-phase model for simulating current-induced scour beneath subsea pipelines at different initial elevations Lee, Jun Y.; McInerney, Jasmin B.T.; Hardjanto, Fauzi A.; Chai, Shuhong; Cossu, Remo; Leong, Zhi Q.; Forrest, Alexander L. Conference Papers/Posters University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 258
Wash-zone dynamics of the thermocline in Lake Simcoe, Ontario Cossu, R.; Ridgway, M. S.; Li, J. Z.; Chowdhury, M. R.; Wells, M. G. Article University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 2
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