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Author statistics

Author Identifier Number of Items Total Downloads
Colmant, A 4 325


Title Author(s) IrusType Repository Item URL Total Downloads
A new clade of insect-specific flaviviruses from Australian Anopheles mosquitoes displays species-specific host-restriction Colmant, Agathe M. G.; Hobson-Peters, Jody; Bielefeldt-Ohmann, Helle; van den Hurk, Andrew F.; Hall-Mendelin, Sonja; Chow, Weng Kong; Johansen, Cheryl A.; Fros, Jelke; Simmonds, Peter; Watterson, Daniel; Cazier, Chris; Etebari, Kayvan; Asgari, Sassan; Sch Article University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 3
Commensal viruses of mosquitoes: Host restriction, transmission, and interaction with arboviral pathogens Hall, Roy A.; Bielefeldt-Ohmann, Helle; McLean, Breeanna J.; O'Brien, Caitlin A.; Colmant, Agathe M.G.; Piyasena, Thisun B.H.; Harrison, Jessica J.; Newton, Natalee D.; Barnard, Ross T.; Prow, Natalie A.; Deerain, Joshua M.; Mah, Marcus G.K.Y.; Hobson-Pet Article University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 316
Inactivation of Japanese encephalitis virus in plasma by methylene blue combined with visible light and in platelet concentrates by ultraviolet C light Rustanti, Lina; Hobson-Peters, Jody; Colmant, Agathe M. G.; Hall, Roy A.; Young, Paul R.; Reichenberg, Stefan; Tolksdorf, Frank; Sumian, Chryslain; Gravemann, Ute; Seltsam, Axel; Marks, Denese C.; Faddy, Helen Z. M. Article University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 4
Novel strategies to explore the biodiversity of viruses in mosquitoes, mechanisms for their host-restriction and their role in modulating the transmission of arboviral diseases Colmant, Agathe Michèle Guylène Thesis or Dissertation University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 2
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