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Author statistics

Author Identifier Number of Items Total Downloads
Rodriguez, D 12 3071


Title Author(s) IrusType Repository Item URL Total Downloads
Adapting rain-fed sorghum agronomy to breeding progress - cropping system model parameterisation George-Jaeggli, Barbara; Brider, Jason; Broad, Ian; Chenu, Karine; Eyre, Joseph; Ferrante, Ariel; McLean, Greg; McLean, James; Skerman, Andrew; Rodriguez, Daniel Conference Papers/Posters University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 5
Climate risk management in maize cropping systems Rodriguez, Daniel; Roxburgh, Caspar; Farnsworth, Claire; Ferrante, Ariel; Eyre, Joseph; Irvine-Brown, Stuart; McLean, James; Bielich, Martin Book Section University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 91
Dynamic and functional monitoring technologies for applications in crop management. Rodriguez, Daniel; Robson, Andrew J.; Belford, Robert Book Section University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 1
Energy resources from the food bowl: an uneasy co-existence. Identifying and managing cumulative impacts of mining and agriculture Collins, Nina; Everingham, Jo-Anne; Baumgartl, Thomas; Vink, Sue; Rodriguez, Daniel; Cavaye, Jim; Mulligan, David; Rifkin, Will Report University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 97
High yielding wheat in the northern region: impact of nitrogen fertilisation on grain yield and quality in modern cultivars Ferrante, Ariel; Eyre, Joseph; George-Jaeggli, Barbara; McLean, James; Chenu, Karine; deVoil, Peter; McLean, Greg; Rodriguez, Daniel Conference Papers/Posters University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 1
Interactions between the water and nitrogen economies of crops: physiological, agronomic, economic, breeding and modelling perspectives Sadras, V. O.; Hayman, P. T.; Rodriguez, D.; Monjardino, M.; Bielich, M.; Unkovich, M.; Mudge, B.; Wang, E. Article University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 658
Intercropping maize and mungbean to intensify summer cropping systems in Queensland, Australia Eyre, J. X.; Routley, R.; Rodriguez, D.; Dimes, J. Conference Papers/Posters University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 1
Maize yield determination in the Northern Region: hybrid by environment by management interactions Ferrante, Ariel; Eyre, Joe; George-Jaeggli, Barbara; McLean, James; Chenu, Karine; deVoil, Peter; McLean, Greg; Rodriguez, Daniel Conference Papers/Posters University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 3
Quantification of wheat water-use efficiency at the shire-level in Australia Doherty, A.; Sadras, V. O.; Rodriguez, D.; Potgieter, A. Article University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 2
Spatial estimation of wheat yields from Landsat's visible, near infrared and thermal reflectance bands Potgieter, A. B.; Power, B.; Mclean, J.; Davis, P.; Rodriguez, D. Article University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 1
The sustainable intensification of maize-legume farming systems in eastern and southern Africa (SIMLESA) program Mulugetta, M.; Dimes, J; Dixon, J.; Potgieter, A.; Prasanna, B.; Rodriguez, D.; Shiferaw, B.; Wall, P. Conference Papers/Posters University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 4
Understanding household diversity in rural eastern and southern Africa Wilkus, Erin; Roxburgh, Caspar; Rodriguez, Daniel Book University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 2207
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