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Author statistics

Author Identifier Number of Items Total Downloads
Clifton, V 15 1659


Title Author(s) IrusType Repository Item URL Total Downloads
An observational study of the impact of an antenatal asthma management service on asthma control during pregnancy Grzeskowiak, L. E.; Smith, B.; Roy, A.; Dekker, G. A.; Clifton, V. L. Article University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 143
IFPA meeting 2015 workshop report IV: nanomedicine applications and exosome biology, xenobiotics and endocrine disruptors and pregnancy, and lipid mediators and placental function Albrecht, C.; Caniggia, I.; Clifton, V.; Gohner, C.; Harris, L.; Hemmings, D.; Jawerbaum, A.; Johnstone, E.; Jones, H.; Keelan, J.; Lewis, R.; Mitchell, M.; Murthi, P.; Powell, T.; Saffery, R.; Smith, R.; Vaillancourt, C.; Wadsack, C.; Salomon, C. Article University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 163
Improving antenatal asthma management: a complex journey Chen, Clarissa; Meng-Wong Taing; Burr, Lucy; Barrett, Helen L.; Clifton, Vicki L. Article University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 16
Interventions for managing asthma in pregnancy (Review) Bain, Emily; Pierides, Kristen L.; Clifton, Vicki L.; Hodyl, Nicolette A.; Stark, Michael J.; Crowther, Caroline A.; Middleton, Philippa Article University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 176
Late gestation maternal dietary methyl donor and cofactor supplementation in sheep partially reverses protection against allergic sensitization by IUGR Wooldridge, Amy L.; Bischof, Robert J.; Liu, Hong; Heinemann, Gary K.; Hunter, Damien S.; Giles, Lynne C.; Simmons, Rebecca A.; Lien, Yu-Chin; Lu, Wenyun; Rabinowitz, Joshua D.; Kind, Karen L.; Owens, Julie A.; Clifton, Vicki L.; Gatford, Kathryn L. Article University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 72
Maternal allergic asthma during pregnancy alters fetal lung and immune development in sheep: potential mechanisms for programming asthma and allergy Wooldridge, Amy L.; Clifton, Vicki L.; Moss, Timothy J. M.; Lu, Hui; Jamali, Monerih; Agostino, Stefanie; Muhlhausler, Beverly S.; Morrison, Janna L.; Matteo, Robert; Wallace, Megan J; Bischof, Robert J; Gatford, Kathryn L Article University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 5
Placental glucocorticoid receptor isoforms in a sheep model of maternal allergic asthma Clifton, Vicki L.; McDonald, Megan; Morrison, Janna L.; Holman, Stacey L.; Lock, Mitchell C.; Saif, Zarqa; Meakin, Ashley; Wooldridge, Amy L.; Gatford, Kathryn L.; Wallace, Megan J.; Muhlhausler, Beverly S.; Bischof, Robert J.; Moss, Timothy J.M. Article University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 65
Pre-birth origins of allergy and asthma Gatford, K. L.; Wooldridge, A. L.; Kind, K. L.; Bischof, R.; Clifton, V. L. Article University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 64
Re-assessing microbiomes in the low-biomass reproductive niche O’Callaghan, J. L.; Turner, R.; Dekker Nitert, M.; Barrett, H. L.; Clifton, V.; Pelzer, E. S. Article University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 30
Review: Alterations in placental glycogen deposition in complicated pregnancies: current preclinical and clinical evidence Akison, Lisa K.; Nitert, Marloes Dekker; Clifton, Vicki L.; Moritz, Karen M.; Simmons, David G. Article University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 320
Review: Placental adaptations to the presence of maternal asthma during pregnancy Meakin, A. S.; Saif, Z.; Jones, A. R.; Aviles, P. F. V.; Clifton, V. L. Article University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 212
Review: The role of multiple placental glucocorticoid receptor isoforms in adapting to the maternal environment and regulating fetal growth Clifton, V. L.; Cuffe, J.; Moritz, K. M.; Cole, T. J.; Fuller, P. J.; Lu, N. Z.; Kumar, S.; Chong, S.; Saif, Z. Article University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 135
Review: understanding the role of androgens and placental AR variants: insight into steroid-dependent fetal-placental growth and development Meakin, A. S.; Clifton, V. L. Article University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 116
Strategies towards improving pharmacological management of asthma during pregnancy Grzeskowiak, Luke E.; Grieger, Jessica A.; Clifton, Vicki L. Article University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 16
Systematic review of maternal Placental Growth Factor levels in late pregnancy as a predictor of adverse intrapartum and perinatal outcomes Sherrell, Helen; Dunn, Liam; Clifton, Vicki; Kumar, Sailesh Article University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 126
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