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Author statistics

Author Identifier Number of Items Total Downloads
Iacona, G 7 517


Title Author(s) IrusType Repository Item URL Total Downloads
Identifying technology solutions to bring conservation into the innovation era Iacona, Gwenllian; Ramachandra, Anurag; McGowan, Jennifer; Davies, Alasdair; Joppa, Lucas; Koh, Lian Pin; Fegraus, Eric; Game, Edward; Guillera-Arroita, Gurutzeta; Harcourt, Rob; Indraswari, Karlina; Lahoz-Monfort, Jose J.; Oliver, Jessica L.; Possingham, Article University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 53
Limitations of outsourcing on-the-ground biodiversity conservation Iacona, Gwenllian D.; Bode, Michael; Armsworth, Paul R. Article University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 60
Predicting the presence and cover of management relevant invasive plant species on protected areas Iacona, Gwenllian; Price, Franklin D.; Armsworth, Paul R. Article University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 122
Prioritizing revived species: what are the conservation management implications of de-extinction? Iacona, Gwenllian; Maloney, Richard F.; Chades, Iandine; Bennett, Joseph R.; Seddon, Philip J.; Possingham, Hugh P. Article University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 95
Projecting the performance of conservation interventions Law, Elizabeth A.; Ferraro, Paul J.; Arcese, Peter; Bryan, Brett A.; Davis, Katrina; Gordon, Ascelin; Holden, Matthew H.; Iacona, Gwenllian; Marcos Martinez, Raymundo; McAlpine, Clive A.; Rhodes, Jonathan R.; Sze, Jocelyne S.; Wilson, Kerrie A. Article University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 68
Standardized reporting of the costs of management interventions for biodiversity conservation Iacona, Gwenllian D.; Sutherland, William J; Mappin, Bonnie; Adams, Vanessa; Armsworth, Paul R.; Coleshaw, Tim; Cook, Carly; Craigie, Ian; Dicks, Lynn; Fitzsimons, James A.; McGowan, Jennifer; Plumptre, Andrew; Polak, Tal; Pullin, Andrew; Ringma, Jeremy; Article University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 3
Using structured decision-making to set restoration objectives when multiple values and preferences exist Guerrero, Angela M.; Shoo, Luke; Iacona, Gwenllian; Standish, Rachel J.; Catterall, Carla P.; Rumpff, Libby; de Bie, Kelly; White, Zoe; Matzek, Virginia; Wilson, Kerrie A. Article University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 116
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