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Author statistics

Author Identifier Number of Items Total Downloads
Fedorov, A 18 1176


Title Author(s) IrusType Repository Item URL Total Downloads
Benchmarking a quantum teleportation protocol in superconducting circuits using tomography and an entanglement witness Baur, M.; Fedorov, A.; Steffen, L.; Filipp, S.; da Silva, M. P.; Wallraff, A. Article University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 34
Decoherence and Relaxation in Driven Circuit QED Systems Andre, Stephan; Brosco, Valentina; Fedorov, Arkady; Schoen, Gerd; Shnirman, Alexander Conference Papers/Posters University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 76
Deterministic quantum teleportation with feed-forward in a solid state system Steffen, L.; Salathe, Y.; Oppliger, M.; Kurpiers, P.; Baur, M.; Lang, C.; Eichler, C.; Puebla-Hellmann, G.; Fedorov, A.; Wallraff, A. Article University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 72
Exploring the effect of noise on the Berry phase Berger, S.; Pechal, M.; Abdumalikov, A. A.; Eichler, C.; Steffen, L.; Fedorov, A.; Wallraff, A.; Filipp, S. Article University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 70
Higher-order nonlinear effects in a Josephson parametric amplifier Kochetov, Bogdan; Fedorov, Arkady Article University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 104
In situ characterization of qubit control lines: a qubit as a vector network analyzer Jerger, Markus; Kulikov, Anatoly; Vasselin, Zénon; Fedorov, Arkady Article University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 98
Individual measurement outcomes of a KCBS test for hidden variables in a superconducting qutrit Jerger, Markus; Fedorov, Arkady Dataset University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 3
Input-output theory for waveguide QED with an ensemble of inhomogeneous atoms Lalumiere, K.; Sanders, B. C.; Van Loo, A. F.; Fedorov, A.; Wallraff, A.; Blais, A. Article University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 208
Measuring effective temperatures of qubits using correlations Kulikov, Anatoly; Navarathna, Rohit; Fedorov, Arkady Article University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 81
Near-field terahertz nanoscopy of coplanar microwave resonators Guo, Xiao; He, Xin; Degnan, Zach; Donose, Bogdan C.; Bertling, Karl; Fedorov, Arkady; Rakić, Aleksandar D.; Jacobson, Peter Article University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 25
Near-field terahertz nanoscopy of coplanar microwave resonators Jacobson, Peter; Guo, Xiao; He, Xin; Degnan, Zach; Donose, Bogdan; Bertling, Karl; Fedorov, Arkady; Rakic, Aleksandar Conference Papers/Posters University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 1
Nonreciprocal atomic scattering: A saturable, quantum Yagi-Uda antenna Müller, Clemens; Combes, Joshua; Hamann, Andrés Rosario; Fedorov, Arkady; Stace, Thomas M. Article University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 65
Nonreciprocity realized with quantum nonlinearity Rosario Hamann, Andrés; Müller, Clemens; Jerger, Markus; Zanner, Maximilian; Combes, Joshua; Pletyukhov, Mikhail; Weides, Martin; Stace, Thomas M.; Fedorov, Arkady Article University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 117
Quantum-control approach to realizing a Toffoli gate in circuit QED Stojanovic, Vladimir M.; Fedorov, A.; Wallraff, A.; Bruder, C. Article University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 47
Quartz-superconductor quantum electromechanical system Woolley, M. J.; Emzir, M. F.; Milburn, G. J.; Jerger, M.; Goryachev, M.; Tobar, M. E.; Fedorov, A. Article University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 47
Realization of a quantum random generator certified with the Kochen-Specker theorem Kulikov, Anatoly; Jerger, Markus; Potočnik, Anton; Wallraff, Andreas; Fedorov, Arkady Article University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 80
Strong coupling of a quantum oscillator to a flux qubit at its symmetry point Fedorov, A.; Feofanov, A. K.; Macha, P.; Forn-Diaz, P.; Harmans, C. J. P. M.; Mooij, J. E. Article University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 14
Tuned transition from quantum to classical for macroscopic quantum states Fedorov, A.; Macha, P.; Feofanov, A. K.; Harmans, C. J. P. M.; Mooij, J. E. Article University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 34
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