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Author statistics

Author Identifier Number of Items Total Downloads
Mccann, T 22 1896


Title Author(s) IrusType Repository Item URL Total Downloads
“I was worried if I don’t have a broken leg they might not take it seriously”: Experiences of men accessing ambulance services for mental health and/or alcohol and other drug problems Ferguson, N; Savic, M; McCann, Terence; Emond, K; Sandral, E; Smith, K; Roberts, L; Bosley, E; Lubman, DI Article Victoria University [Research Repository] 21
A qualitative study of older adults seeking appropriate treatment to self-manage their chronic pain in rural North-East Thailand Panpanit, Ladawan; Carolan-Olah, Mary; McCann, Terence Article Victoria University [Research Repository] 56
A Randomized Controlled Trial of Clinician-Supported Problem-Solving Bibliotherapy for Family Caregivers of People with First-Episode Psychosis Chien, WT; Thompson, DR; Lubman, DI; McCann, Terence Article Victoria University [Research Repository] 50
A Theory on the Components of Depression Self-Management in Older Adults Polacsek, Meg; Boardman, Gayelene; McCann, Terence Article Victoria University [Research Repository] 2
Access barriers to obstetric care at health facilities in sub-Saharan Africa-a systematic review Kyei-Nimakoh, Minerva; Carolan-Olah, Mary; McCann, Terence Article Victoria University [Research Repository] 54
Affected family members’ experience of, and coping with, aggression and violence within the context of problematic substance use: a qualitative study McCann, Terence; Lubman, DI; Boardman, Gayelene; Flood, M Article Victoria University [Research Repository] 48
Attitudes of clinical staff toward the causes and management of aggression in acute old age psychiatry inpatient units McCann, Terence; Baird, J; Muir-Cochrane, E Article Victoria University [Research Repository] 36
Barriers to obstetric care at health facilities in sub-Saharan Africa - a systematic review protocol Kyei-Nimakoh, Minerva; Carolan-Olah, Mary; McCann, Terence Article Victoria University [Research Repository] 32
Cluster randomised controlled trial of a problem-solving, Story-bridge mental health literacy programme for improving Ghanaian community leaders’ knowledge of depression Arthur, Yaw Amankwa; Boardman, Gayelene; Morgan, Amy J; McCann, Terence Article Victoria University [Research Repository] 16
Effectiveness of guided self-help in decreasing expressed emotion in family caregivers of people diagnosed with depression in Thailand: a randomised controlled trial McCann, Terence; Songprakun, W; Stephenson, J Article Victoria University [Research Repository] 24
Factors influencing self-management of depression in older adults: a qualitative study Polacsek, Meg; Boardman, Gayelene; McCann, Terence Article Victoria University [Research Repository] 274
Family carers' experience of caring for an older parent with severe and persistent mental illness McCann, Terence; Bamberg, J; McCann, F Article Victoria University [Research Repository] 118
Help-seeking experiences of older adults with a diagnosis of moderate depression Polacsek, Meg; Boardman, GH; Mccann, Terence Article Victoria University [Research Repository] 61
Improving mental health service users' with medical co-morbidity transition between tertiary medical hospital and primary care services: A qualitative study Cranwell, K; Polacsek, Meg; McCann, Terence Article Victoria University [Research Repository] 34
Mental health consumers' with medical co-morbidity experience of the transition through tertiary medical services to primary care Cranwell, K; Polacsek, Meg; McCann, Terence Article Victoria University [Research Repository] 52
Millennium development Goal 5: Progress and challenges in reducing maternal deaths in Ghana Kyei-Nimakoh, Minerva; Carolan-Olah, Mary; McCann, Terence Article Victoria University [Research Repository] 51
Nurses' experiences of restraint and seclusion use in short-stay acute old age psychiatry inpatient units: a qualitative study Muir-Cochrane, EC; Baird, J; McCann, Terence Article Victoria University [Research Repository] 746
Paramedics’ perceptions of their scope of practice in caring for patients with non-medical emergency-related mental health and/or alcohol and other drug problems: A qualitative study McCann, Terence; Savic, M; Ferguson, N; Bosley, E; Smith, K; Roberts, L; Emond, K; Lubman, DI Article Victoria University [Research Repository] 36
Qualitative process evaluation of a problem-solving guided self-help manual for family carers of young people with first-episode psychosis McCann, Terence; Lubman, DI Article Victoria University [Research Repository] 46
Recognition of, and attitudes towards, people with depression and psychosis with/without alcohol and other drug problems: Results from a national survey of Australian paramedics McCann, Terence; Savic, Michael; Ferguson, Nyssa; Cheetham, Alison; Witt, Katrina; Emond, Kate; Bosley, Emma; Smith, Karen; Roberts, Louise; Lubman, Dan I Article Victoria University [Research Repository] 37
Social problem solving in carers of young people with a first episode of psychosis: A randomized controlled trial McCann, Terence; Cotton, SM; Lubman, DI Article Victoria University [Research Repository] 57
Sub-Saharan African migrant youths' help-seeking barriers and facilitators for mental health and substance use problems: A qualitative study McCann, Terence; Mugavin, J; Renzaho, A; Lubman, DI Article Victoria University [Research Repository] 45
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