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Author statistics

Author Identifier Number of Items Total Downloads
Bokil, N 7 750


Title Author(s) IrusType Repository Item URL Total Downloads
Co-transcriptomic analysis by RNA sequencing to simultaneously measure regulated gene expression in host and bacterial pathogen Ravasi, Timothy; Mavromatis, Charalampos (Harris); Bokil, Nilesh J.; Schembri, Mark A.; Sweet, Matthew J. Book Section University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 2
Identification and characterisation of antimicrobial pathways in human macrophages Bokil, Nilesh Jayant Thesis or Dissertation University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 6
Innate immune perturbations, accumulating DAMPs and inflammasome dysregulation: a ticking time bomb in ageing Kapetanovic, Ronan; Bokil, Nilesh J.; Sweet, Matthew J. Article University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 234
Metal ions in macrophage antimicrobial pathways: emerging roles for zinc and copper Stafford, Sian L.; Bokil, Nilesh J.; Achard, Maud E. S.; Kapetanovic, Ronan; Schembri, Mark A.; McEwan, Alastair G.; Sweet, Matthew J. Article University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 153
Salmonella employs multiple mechanisms to subvert the TLR-inducible zinc-mediated antimicrobial response of human macrophages Kapetanovic, Ronan; Bokil, Nilesh J.; Achard, Maud E. S.; Ong, Cheryl-lynn Y; Peters, Kate M.; Stocks, Claudia J.; Phan, Minh-Duy; Monteleone, Mercedes; Schroder, Kate; Irvine, Katharine M.; Saunders, Bernadette M.; Walker, Mark J.; Stacey, Katryn J.; McE Article University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 318
Senescent human hepatocytes express a unique secretory phenotype and promote macrophage migration Irvine, Katharine M.; Skoien, Richard; Bokil, Nilesh J.; Melino, Michelle; Thomas, Gethin P.; Loo, Dorothy; Gabrielli, Brian; Hill, Michelle M.; Sweet, Matthew J.; Clouston, Andrew D.; Powell, Elizabeth E. Article University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 1
The co-transcriptome of uropathogenic Escherichia coli-infected mouse macrophages reveals new insights into host–pathogen interactions Mavromatis, Charalampos (Harris); Bokil, Nilesh J.; Totsika, Makrina; Kakkanat, Asha; Schaale, Kolja; Cannistraci, Carlo V.; Ryu, Taewoo; Beatson, Scott A.; Ulett, Glen C.; Schembri, Mark A.; Sweet, Matthew J.; Ravasi, Timothy Article University of Queensland [UQ eSpace] 36
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