- Countable event entries
- Number of usage events left after processing exclusions. Corresponds to Total_Item_Investigations.
- COUNTER Code of Practice Release 5 (R5)
- The Code of Practice that allows the usage of online information products and services to be measured in a credible, consistent and compatible way using vendor-generated data.
- COUNTER Code of Practice for Research Data (RD)
- The Code of Practice for Research Data Usage Metrics standardizes the generation and distribution of usage metrics for research data, enabling for the first time the consistent and credible reporting of research data usage.
- COUNTER-conformant usage statistics
- Usage statistics which conform to the criteria laid down in the latest COUNTER Code of Practice.
- COUNTER double click
- Number of usage events excluded because a user has clicked multiple times in succession, as defined by COUNTER's Double-Click Filtering.
- COUNTER Robots Exclusion List
- Internet robots, crawlers, spiders, etc., listed in the COUNTER Robot Exclusion List. Downloads by these applications are subtracted from the total downloads as part of a process to calculate COUNTER-compliant usage statistics.
- CSV format
- Comma separated values - a file format for data tables suitable for import into spreadsheets such as Excel. One of the usage report formats prescribed by the COUNTER Code of Practice.
- Deleted or withdrawn
- Number of usage events where harvesting from OAI interface indicated the item was deleted or withdrawn.
- Custom Item Master Report
- Based on a COUNTER report that shows usage for all items with the option to select specific Metric_Types, which IRUS has customised.
- Custom Platform Master Report
- Based on a COUNTER report that shows total usage for platform(s) for each of your chosen Metric_Types, which IRUS has customised.
- Incoming events
- Number of usage events logged after removal of COUNTER robot exclusions.
- Ingest
- Process of collecting data on item downloads from participating repositories and uploading it to IRUS.
- Investigation
- A category of COUNTER Release 5 metric types that represents a user accessing information related to a content item (i.e. an abstract or detailed descriptive metadata of an article) or a content item itself (i.e. full text of an article). (COUNTER Release 5 definition)
- IRUS exclusions
- An additional list of internet robots, crawlers, spiders, etc., used by IRUS in addition to the COUNTER list. Downloads by these applications are subtracted from the total downloads as part of a process to calculate COUNTER-conformant usage statistics.
- IRUS thresholds
- Number of usage events excluded due to overactive IP or user agent (see 'How IRUS excludes robots and rogue usage').
- Item
- Collective term for content that is reported at a high level of granularity, e.g. a full-text article (original or a review of other published work), an abstract or digest of a full-text article, a sectional HTML page, supplementary material associated with a full-text article (e.g. a supplementary data set), or non-textual resources such as an image, a video, audio, a dataset, a piece of code, or a chemical structure or reaction. (COUNTER Release 5 definition)
- JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is an open standard file format and data interchange format, that uses human-readable text to store and transmit data objects.
- Metric Types (also Metric_Types)
- An attribute of COUNTER usage that identifies the nature of the usage activity. Examples: Total_Item_Requests, Unique_Item_Requests.
- ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) is a persistent identifier for humans, similar in many ways to a Digital Object Identifier or DOI, which uniquely identifies objects.
- Platform
- An interface from an aggregator, publisher, or other online service that delivers the content to the user and that counts and provides the COUNTER usage reports. (COUNTER Release 5 definition). In IRUS, ‘platform’ refers to repository.
- Reporting period
- The date range selected for a report in whole months.
- Request
- A category of COUNTER Release 5 metric types that represents a user accessing content (i.e. full text of an article). (COUNTER Release 5 definition)
- Standardized Usage Statistics Harvesting Initiative - an automated protocol for harvesting electronic resource usage data
- Total_Item_Investigations
- A COUNTER Metric_Type that represents the number of times users accessed the content (i.e. full text) of an item, or information describing that item (i.e. an abstract). (COUNTER Release 5 definition)
- Total_Item_Requests
- A COUNTER Metric_Type that represents the number of times users requested the full content (i.e. full text) of an item. Requests may take the form of viewing, downloading, emailing, or printing content, provided such actions can be tracked by the content provider’s server. (COUNTER Release 5 definition)
- TSV format
- Tab separated values - a file format for data tables suitable for import into spreadsheets such as Excel. One of the usage report formats prescribed by the COUNTER Code of Practice.
- Unique_Item_Investigations
- A COUNTER Metric_Type that represents the number of unique content items investigated in a user-session.
- Unique_Item_Requests
- A COUNTER Metric_Type that represents the number of unique content items requested in a user-session. Examples of items are articles, book chapters, and multimedia files.
- YOP (Year of Publication)
- Calendar year in which an article, item, issue, or volume is published. For the COUNTER YOP attribute, when the year of publication for the print differs from the online, the print YOP is used.