IRUS-ANZ SUSHI Lite v1.7 (beta) Client

Report Request

Report Filters


Valid date formats: yyyy-mm-dd or yyyy-mm
Defaults to the last available month if no dates are provided


You must provide either a Repository Identifier or an Item Identifier

Repository Identifier format: namespace:value
namespace must be irusanz
value is the integer value assigned by IRUS-ANZ

Item Identifier format: namespace:value
namespace must be irusanz, doi or oai

Optional filter to only show results for a single item type, e.g. article, book, etc.

You may also limit the results to include or exclude items that have a DOI
Valid values: Yes or No

Report Attributes

Valid Granularity values: Monthly or Totals

The format in which the response is to be returned defaults to JSON unless a callback function name is entered in which case JSONP is returned.

The Pretty attribute is just for humans playing with the API and looking at results in a browser.

Pretty print json(p) for humans