This site, provided for the University of Michigan, is no longer maintained - last update was at the end of July 2020 - and should be considered archived. Statistics from Michigan are now available in a new COUNTER Release 5 IRUS service. Other US institutions are welcome to join this new IRUS service.

Ingest Summary Statistics

This table provides an analysis of the data ingest process for each participating repository. It shows for each repository: the total number of downloads recorded since they joined (RawDataIn); the number of downloads by applications listed in the COUNTER Code of Practice as Internet robots, crawlers, spiders, etc. ("> (COUNTER Robots); the number of downloads by an additional list of internet robots, crawlers, spiders, etc., used by IRUS-US in addition to the COUNTER list (IRUS-US exclusions); requests to download an item where the mouse is clicked twice within 30 seconds (DoubleClicks); and, a net figure for downloads obtained by subtracting from the raw data the figures for robots and double clicks (FilteredDataOut).

Repository RawDataIn COUNTER Robots IRUS-US Exclusions DoubleClicks FilteredDataOut (Total downloads)
Overall Totals 27,204,180 1,932,369 5,822,554 1,747,879 17,701,378
University of Michigan [Deep Blue] 27,204,180 1,932,369 5,822,554 1,747,879 17,701,378
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