- Needham, Paul, and Jo Lambert. 2019. "Institutional Repositories and the Item and Research Data Metrics Landscape".
Insights 32 (1): 26. DOI:
- George Macgregor, "Improving the discoverability and web impact of open repositories: techniques and evaluation",
Code4Lib Journal, Issue 43, 2019-02-14, ISSN 1940-5758
View the the article:
Code4Lib Journal
- Lorraine Estelle and Jo Lambert, "Data That Counts, Charleston Conference 2015" (2015),
Proceedings of the Charleston Library Conference.
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Data That Counts, Charleston Conference 2015
- IRUS-UK: Improving Understanding of the Value and Impact of Institutional Repositories
Ross MacIntyre and Hilary Jones
THE SERIALS LIBRARIAN VOL. 70 , ISS. 1-4,2016, doi:
Download a preprint of the article:
IRUS-UK: Improving Understanding of The Value And Impact of Institutional Repositories
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Over 1.5 million downloads per month: IRUS-UK measuring usage of UK,
- Needham, P and Stone, G, IRUS-UK: making scholarly statistics count in UK repositories,
Insights, 2012, 25(3), 262-267, doi: 10.1629/2048-7754.25.3.262
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University of Huddersfield Repository