Statistics and Reports available in the IRUS-UK Portal

Home / Overall SummaryThese tables provide summaries of data in IRUS-UK including: number of participating repositories, number of items downloaded from these repositories since they joined, numbers of downloads (in total, to the end of the previous month, and during the current month) and also the latest date for which data is available in IRUS-UK.
Statistics Reports
Article Report 4 (AR4)This report enables you to view the number of successful article downloads by month for participating repositories. The report can be filtered to limit the results to a selected journal or repository. It can be run for an individual month or over a number of months and can be output in HTML, TSV or CSV formats. The results are paginated and can be sorted as required by clicking the appropriate column headings. NB: If no filters are applied it is best to run the report for an individual month, otherwise it may timeout!

See how: Imperial College London used this report to help them produce an Open Access infographic.
See how: White Rose Research Online used this report in Combining IRUS-UK and Altmetric Data.
Book Report 1 (BR1)This report enables you to view the number of successful book downloads by month for a selected repository. It can be run for an individual month or over a number of months and can be output in HTML, TSV or CSV formats. The results are paginated and can be sorted as required by clicking the appropriate column headings.
Book Report 2 (BR2)This report enables you to view the number of successful book section downloads by month for a selected repository. It can be run for an individual month or over a number of months and can be output in HTML, TSV or CSV formats. The results are paginated and can be sorted as required by clicking the appropriate column headings.
Item Report 1 (IR1)This report provides the number of successful item download requests by month and repository identifier for a selected repository. For each item, it shows the item URL, title, author(s), item type and total downloads by month and in total for the period selected. It can be run for an individual month or over a number of months and can be output in HTML, TSV or CSV formats.

See how Aberystwyth University used this report to help them produce an OA newsletter.
See how Glasgow Schoool of ART used this report to help them Plotting the Open Access journey of a theses collection.
Item Report 1 Daily (IR1D)This report supports a rolling six week window of the latest daily statistics, providing the number of successful item download requests by day and repository identifier for a selected repository. For each item, it shows the item URL, title, author(s), item type and total downloads by day and in total for the period selected. It can be run for an individual day or over a number of days and can be output in HTML, TSV or CSV formats.
Item Report 2 (IR2)This report provides the number of successful item download requests by month and item type for a selected repository. For each item type, it shows the total downloads by month and in total for the period selected. It can be run for an individual month or over a number of months and can be output in HTML or CSV formats.
ETD Report 1 (ETD1)This report provides the number of successful thesis or dissertation download requests by month and repository identifier for a selected repository. For each thesis or dissertation, it shows the item URL, EThOS ID (if available), title, author and total downloads by month and in total for the period selected. It can be run for an individual month or over a number of months and can be output in HTML, TSV or CSV formats.

See how: Imperial College London used this report to help them produce an Open Access infographic.
See how Aberystwyth University used this report to help them produce an OA newsletter.
See how Glasgow Schoool of ART used this report to help them Plotting the Open Access journey of a theses collection.
Journal Report 1 (JR1)This report enables you to view the number of Number of Successful Full-Text Article Requests by Month and Journal for participating repositories. The report can be filtered to limit the results to a selected journal or repository. It can be run for an individual month or over a number of months and can be output in HTML, TSV or CSV formats. The results are paginated and can be sorted as required by clicking the appropriate column headings.
Repository Report 1 (RR1)This report enables you to view the number of successful item downloads by month for all participating repositories. The report can be filtered to limit the results to a selected item type, Jisc Band and/or Location of repository. It can be run for an individual month or over a number of months and can be output in HTML, TSV or CSV formats. The results can be sorted by repository or by total number of downloads in ascending or descending order.>.

See how The University of Reading used this report to help them produce a Report to senior management.
See how the Open University used this report to help them produce Data to support benchmarking.
Repository Report 1 Daily (RR1D)This report supports a rolling six week window of the latest daily statistics, enabling you to view the number of successful item downloads by day for all participating repositories. The report can be filtered to limit the results to a selected item type, Jisc Band and/or Country of repository. It can be run for an individual day or over a number of days and can be output in HTML, TSV or CSV formats. The results can be sorted by repository or by total number of downloads in ascending or descending order.
Repository Report 2 (RR2)This report enables you to view the number of successful item downloads by month for all participating repositories, including usage for corresponding items downloaded from CORE. The report can be filtered to limit the results to the Jisc Band of repository. It can be run for an individual month or over a number of months and can be output in HTML, TSV or CSV formats. The results can be sorted by repository or by total number of downloads in ascending or descending order.
Repository Report 3 (RR3)This report enables you to view the number of successful item downloads by month and country where the usage occurred for all participating repositories. The report can be filtered to limit the results to a selected item type, and to limit results to a single repository or show the combined usage of all participating repositories. For each country where usage occurred, it shows the total downloads by month and in total for the period selected. It can be run for an individual month or over a number of months and can be output in HTML, CSV or TSV formats.
Top Downloads ReportThis report provides the top 10 or 20 item download requests by month and repository identifier for a selected repository. For each item, it shows the item URL, title, author(s), item type and total downloads by month and in total for the period selected. The report can be filtered to limit the results to a selected item type. It can be run for an individual month or over a number of months and can be output in HTML, TSV or CSV formats.
Metadata Reports
DOI Duplicates Report 1 (DD1)This report enables you to view the items with duplicate DOIs in a selected repository.
Metadata Views
IRUS-UK Itemtype mappingsThis table provides a breakdown of the item types used by participating repositories that have been mapped to each of the IRUS-UK item types used in the Item Type Statistics table.
DOI SummaryThis table shows, for each item type across all repositories where DOIs are available in the metadata that we harvest, the numbers of items of that type downloaded from repositories since joining IRUS-UK and for each item type, the numbers and percentages that have DOIs available.
Article DOI summary by IRThis table provides a breakdown of article DOI availability by repository, showing the numbers of articles downloaded from repositories since joining IRUS-UK and the numbers and percentages of articles that have DOIs available.
Author ORCID iD browseThis alphabetic browse index lists authors with an ORCID iD known to IRUS-UK. For each author, it provides a link to the author's public ORCID record and a link to an Author statistics page, which shows a list of all known items by that author and the number of recorded downloads for each item.
ORCID iD Summary StatisticsThis table shows a summary of the number of ORCID iDs we currently know about for each repository participating IRUS-UK, and the total number of items with associated ORCID iDs for each repository.
Metastatistics Views
Repository StatisticsThis table provides a breakdown of IRUS-UK data by participating repository. For each repository it includes the date they joined, the total number of items downloaded since that date, the numbers of downloads (in total, to the end of the previous month and during the current month) as well as the average downloads per month.

See how Imperial College London used this report to help them produce an Open Access infographic.
Repository Location StatisticsThis table provides a breakdown of IRUS-UK data by countries of participating repositories. For each country, it gives the number of repositories, the total number of items downloaded, and numbers of downloads (in total, to the end of the previous month, and during the current month).
Repository Platform StatisticsThis table provides a breakdown of IRUS-UK data by software platform used. For each platform, it gives the number of repositories, the total number of items downloaded, and numbers of downloads (in total, to the end of the previous month, and during the current month).
Itemtype StatisticsIRUS-UK has agreed a listing of 25 item types to which all item types used by participating repositories are mapped ( For each of those item types, this table gives the total number of items downloaded, and numbers of downloads (in total, to the end of the previous month, and during the current month).
Ingest StatisticsThis table provides an analysis of the data ingest process for each participating repository. It shows for each repository: the total number of downloads recorded since they joined (RawDataIn); the number of downloads by applications listed in the COUNTER Code of Practice as Internet robots, crawlers, spiders, etc. ( (COUNTER Robots); the number of downloads by an additional list of internet robots, crawlers, spiders, etc., used by IRUS-UK in addition to the COUNTER list (IRUS-UK exclusions); requests to download an item where the mouse is clicked twice within thirty seconds (DoubleClicks); and, a net figure for downloads obtained by subtracting from the raw data the figures for robots and double clicks (FilteredDataOut).
VisualisationsVisualisations are currently available for ‘Download Trends – by month and calendar year’; ‘Downloads by Item Type’; and ‘Downloads by Country’. All the visualisations can be viewed across all repositories or individually. The default setting on each is for your own repository. Options of what you can select will vary but include by month, by year and by item type.
SearchSearches for words or phrases in the title or author, or searches for individual DOIs and ORCIDs, can be performed for all repositories or for an individual repository and for all item types or a specified item type. The results display includes item type, title, author, URL and number of downloads.
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